CULytics Summit 2020 - Reimagined as Virtual Summit

Dear CULytics Sponsor,
This is to announce that the 2020 CULytics Summit, currently scheduled for August 24th in Redmond, Washington will be re-imagined as a Virtual CULytics Summit that same week.
As you’ve probably noticed, in light of the pandemic, companies across many industries are rethinking their in-person conferences and replacing them with virtual events as personal safety concerns of their community are pre-eminent. We’re following suit by updating it as a Virtual CULytics Summit in August.
Protecting your investment in the CULytics community is our priority. Without your business, we would not be successful in hosting and serving the credit union community. The changes to the Summit have forced us to accelerate the re-definition of both our membership benefits and our sponsorship tiers. In doing so, we have expanded your sponsorship through the course of the next year, to include the Virtual Summit and a range of activities we believe will provide benefit above and beyond your investment.
This presentation outlines the benefits of your sponsorship and think you will find them to be generous. We believe in the ability of this new model to bring the community together in new ways.
Again, we appreciate your sponsorship and support of CULytics. We expect you’ll find the model going forward very valuable in driving your business. Please contact us if you have any questions at all or would like to discuss the sponsorship model.
Thank you and stay well.
Naveen Jain
President, CULytics
CU Employee CULytics Founder

CULytics 2020 - Sponsorship FAQs

When do we set up our booth? Can it be set up on Tuesday morning or does it have to be set up on Monday afternoon? Ideally, you should set up the booth on Monday, March 30th, before the cocktail reception. The Cocktail Reception is the main networking time of the Summit and people might come to your booth. Are we invited to the cocktail reception on Monday evening as a vendor or is that Credit Unions only? All Summit Attendees (Vendors or Credit Unions) are invited to the cocktail reception.…

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Thank you for Sponsoring 5th Annual CULytics Summit. Check this place regularly for the 20202 Sponsorship Details.

CULytics Team 

22 Members

Key Contacts

Medhavi - Community Manager - Primary contact for Program Guide, Sponsorship details, Agenda, etc.

Christine Choe - Events Coordinator - Primary contact for Venue information, booth setup, shipping and receiving, etc.