


Address:  150 Interstate North Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30339

Sales Contact: Mark Moore

Phone: 678-463-6522

Business Since: 2005

Number of Customers: 50+

Offering Overview

Vantedge Real Time Predictive Marketing (RPM) is a fully managed service tailored specifically for credit unions that combines real-time predictive analytics, dynamic campaign management, personalized multi-channel message delivery and ROI measurement in a monthly subscription service.

The RPM service leverages a credit union’s anonymous first party data, including transactional, lifestyle and other behavioral data as well as predictive models powered by Key Lifestyle Indicators (KLIs) to help them truly understand and even anticipate the needs of individual members and serve them instantly within any channel highly relevant and personalized experiences at precisely the moment they need it most: undergoing a significant financial decision or a critical life event.


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