


Address: 1000 N. West Street Suite 1200 Wilmington, DE 19801

Sales Contact: Gary Robinson

Phone: 1-888-548-9947

Business Since: 2007

Number of Customers:15

Company Description

Lityx is an advanced analytics company creating enterprise-grade solutions priced for the mid-market. We have world-class software, consulting services, and data enhancement, with a diverse set of clients across many industries.

Offering Overview

Lityx offers world-class software, consulting services, and data enhancement. Our solutions enable businesses to predict customer behavior such as spend and churn, optimize channels and campaigns, and maximize marketing outcomes with software and services.

LityxIQ is a cloud-based, world-class, advanced analytics platform. The system integrates a set of tools that make it easy to perform a variety of tasks—data preparation, reporting and BI, modeling and scoring, and constrained optimization.

Getting the most out of advanced analytics can be a challenge for some organizations. Our clients can rely on our services to get LityxIQ up and running and to realize a quick and sizable return on investment.


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