
LatentView Analytics

Address: 2540 North First Street, Suite 108 San Jose, CA 95131

Sales Contact: Krishnan Venkata

Phone: 609-350-4112

Business Since: 2006

Number of Customers: 60

Offering Overview

LatentView is a leading global analytics and decision sciences provider, delivering solutions that help companies drive digital transformation and use data to gain a competitive advantage. LatentView helps clients harness the power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to transform their business processes, drive innovation and enhance customer experience.

SolveIt is LatentView's proprietary solution that enables organizations bridge the gap between their Business Decision making pipeline and Data Science pipeline. Based on historical data, the future projections for key business drivers are obtained by 'Calibration' which is then fed into mathematical equations (Models) that computes the key metrics & KPIs for making business decisions. SolveIt is a complete platform that can be utilized for variety of use cases and in different business scenarios

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