Welcome to the LA Meetup Group. Through this Community, you can indulge in discussions with the other Attendees of the Meetup.
Hi there, Thanks for being part of the CULytics Meetup. It was awesome to have you there and share your data transformation insights. Please help us get your first - hand feedback on how the event went for you and how we can make things bigger and better in our Upcoming Events. Please provide us your valuable feedback through the Attendee Survey here - https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/ZMB3ma. Best,
Read more…Hi there, Get the links of all the Meetup Presentations Here - Naveen and Bob - https://culytics.com/articles/workshop-developing-and-aligning-objectives-and-results Royce Ngiam and Mike Terzian - https://culytics.com/articles/the-maturity-of-marketing Bhavesh Shah - https://culytics.com/articles/webinar-homegrown-profitability-system-ppt Ben Fox - https://culytics.com/articles/governing-your-data-to-release-its-potential Let us know how did you find these Sessions in the Comment box below.
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Welcome to the LA Meetup Group. Through this Community, you can indulge in discussions with the other Attendees of the Meetup.