This group provides data practitioners with a forum to collaborate as a community throughout the year. We’ll be leveraging this forum to engage in collaborative conversations and sharing between credit union data and analytics practitioners. Code sharing is encouraged where possible to benefit each of our memberships, along with the credit union movement in general.
With that in mind, the forum will be limited to those individuals who commit to the following:
- You must have an active CULytics
- You must have employment at a Credit Union (Ideally, someone doing at least some hands on work, solution architects, developers, analysts, scientists) and can speak down to the level of coding.
- You must have the legal right and organization blessing to share details of the Case Study assignment listed below. Any code shared will be shared using the GNU General Public License.
- Completion of at least one Case Study per institution per calendar year. Case Study should be entered into this form:
Be sure to include the following:
- Problem Statement: Clear definition of the issue/problem/opportunity that led to the solution.
- Organizational value calculation: Identify how you prioritized and articulated the value of addressing the problem.
- Solution / Outcomes:
- Solution: Definition of how the problem was solved, along with the methods leveraged to ensure it was answered, validated, and adopted to the business users.
- Outcomes: Did the solution work? Did you see the results you wanted? What’s next? If the problem was not solved in the original intended way, what was learned that can be applied to other solutions? What elements were taken back to the drawing board, and what elements were identified as items to not be repeated?
- Performance Indicators / Metrics: How did you measure performance?
- Learnings: Regardless of the success or failure of the effort, what key individual and organizational learning did the effort reveal?
- Bonus Post: What’s one solution unrelated to the one discussed above that you’re interested in solving?
We believe, through collaboration, we will elevate each other, enabling and improving our data solutions, to the benefit of the credit union members whom we serve.
** Multiple attendees per CU are admitted into the forum, assuming that one or more of the attendees from the CU have fulfilled the requirements above