CU Employee Community Chair

Many of you who attended the CUAS2017 agree there were interesting nuggets of info from many speakers, panel discussion and keynotes. One such keynote session was around "Digital Transformation" from author Chris Surdak. 

What can CU's learn from the 12 principles addressed by Chris? Can CU's take on the competition from few of the "too big to fail" competitors? Chime in your comments here.

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  • CU Employee CULytics Founder

    Chris's session was very insightful.

    I see there are few principles that are directly relevant and applicable to CUs. e.g.

    #8 - Print your own money. CUs can introduce the system for reward points for members who have lower than usual Operational footprint (basically using more of low cost service alternatives instead of high cost services such as going to branches for routine transactions or using paper checks or using paper statements, etc.

    #3 - Focus on context. CUs can create transformational experiences for the members by focusing on the context and allowing members to engage with us when, where and how they want rather than creating restrictions. e.g. How many of our members can perform all functions via their mobile devices without going to branches or printing and faxing, etc.

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