Hello and welcome to the Visible Equity User Forum!
My name is Heather Bielby, I have worked at Commonwealth Credit Union for a little over 20 years. I am a financial analyst in the Finance Department; my main responsibilities include providing Loan Analytics for the credit union and the working on the implementation of CECL. We have been using the Visible Equity Loan Analytics module since December 2016. Since then we have started utilizing the Application module and are in the implementation process for the CECL module.
We use Visible Equity’s Loan Analytics/Loan Beta modules for monthly reporting to the board and various departments throughout the credit union. The ability to analyze and pull all loan data from one source has transformed our reporting and aided in sound decisions concerning lending practices.
The Application module has given us the ability to analyze loan applications more in-depth. We now have the capability to provide pertinent application data to departments for review and to assist in decision making.
For the CECL module implementation, we are in the process of identifying key data that is needed to properly calculate ALLL using the different CECL methodologies. We have set up a few segmentation profiles using different methodologies and run them side by side to our current ALLL totals for comparison.
I look forward to collaborating with Visible Equity Users!