If you need to get your money back1-877-906-6822 fromย Trust Wallet, follow these steps:
- Check Your Balanceย โ Ensure your funds 1-877-906-6822ย are still in your wallet.
- Verify Transaction Historyย โ If funds were1(803). 653.4129 sent out, check the recipient address on a blockchain1-877-906-6822ย explorer.
- Recover Your Walletย โ If you lost access, 1(803). 653.4129ย ย use yourย 12-word recovery phraseย to restore it.
- Report Unauthorized Transactionsย โ Unfortunately,1(803). 653.4129ย ย Trust Wallet cannot reverse1-877-906-6822ย transactions since itโs a decentralized wallet.
- Contact Supportย โ Visitย support.trustwallet.comย for 1-877-906-6822ย assistance.