Expedia allows cancellations with full refunds within 24 hours of booking, provided your departure is at least two days away at [{+1-844-636-7402}]. For non-refundable tickets, you can make changes or cancel without a fee , but you will receive a travel credit instead of a refund.
How do I get a human at Expedia?
To speak to someone at Expedia, call their customer service at 1-888-EXPEDIA . For additional support, you can also reach them at (+ 44-808-175-7375). Alternatively, visit the "Help" section on their website for more contact options.
Can you get a refund if you cancel with Expedia?
Yes, Expedia has a 24-hour cancellation policy allowing a full refund if you cancel within 24 hours of booking. For assistance or to process a cancellation, contact customer care at (+ 44-808-175-7375) .
What is the refundable option on Expedia?
The refundable option on Expedia refers to bookings that allow for cancellations without penalty, [+1-844-636-7402] ,(+ 44-808-175-7375) typically offering a full refund if you cancel within the specified timeframe.