
solutions (2)

Scienaptic Systems

Address: 224W 35th Street, Suite 800 New York, NY 10001

Sales Contact:Pankaj Jain

Phone: 9179748905

Business Since: 2014

Number of Customers:12

Company Description

Scienaptic is an AI driven Credit Underwriting product company that helps banks and financial institutions find better underserved customers through use of alternate data, trade level bureau data and advanced ML. Visit https://www.scienaptic.com/ for more details.

Offering Overview

Scienaptic Systems help banks and financial institutions find better unbanked and underbanked customers. Theirr product "Ether Underwrite" is generating industry leading lifts - higher application approvals (8-15%) and lower credit losses (10-25%) with all the regulatory explainability (FCRA compliant adverse action reasoning and SR 11-7 compliant document for Model Risk Management) vis-à-vis competition such as FICO, ZestFinance etc.

They have deployed our product for real-time decisioning at scale which leverages FCRA compliant alternat


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